Monday 6 April 2009

How To Vacate Heart

The begining of achieve closeness to Allah is through emptying our heard. It means that our heart should be free from dreams, worldly ambition, love of the world, bad expectation, envious, assumptions and other heard sickness. All these will screen us from knowing strength and Allah's wishes.

Emptying heart signifies we clean up heart from nafs ammarah. Because nafs ammarah cause us not to empty our heard. Nafs Ammarah always encourage its owner to badness. There is no goodness in nafs ammarah.

May we wonder how we empty our heart. I think we can't do something without teacher or master. In Tasawuf, teacher is called by mursyid or murabbi. To answer this question, we will talk about it next session. I will start how to empty our heard and then what differences between mursyid and murabbi. Some members of Tasawuf dont notice differences between both of mursyid and murabbi.

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