Tuesday 14 April 2009



Ulama' are inheritors of the Prophets. Some people has been wondering who is Ulama'. There has been also people said : " We would be lucky if we have lived at the time of the prophet Muhamad s.a.w, we can fight and help our prophet".

We should make sure that who is Ulama'. Today we can see all people admit that theirself is Ulama'. See!, they are dare to label their self as the inheritors of the prophets. People outside are confused why all people wish to be Ulama'.One day, I teached in one of "Surau" , I was questioned who is Ulama'.

In Tasawuf, Ulama' is the people who always remember Allah. People will remember Allah when they see them. May be the people looking at them can cry because of their strengh in remembering Allah.

By the way, The best way to know Allah is ask Allah so that guide us how to know Ulama'. We pray "Taubah Solat" and cry a lot in front of Allah, and then ask Allah who is Ulama'

Saturday 11 April 2009


Schools is like a factory . It is a place where human being is educated and brought up. Teachers are very important items in school. If the teachers are good, student will be good. They follow their techers.

Not many of teachers who always remember Allah. Remembering Allah is a key of success. Allah says in The Holy Quran " Remember Allah a lot, you must succeed. Teachers should teach in schools because of Allah.

We can see teachers in shcool can make their student excellent at Mathematic and Science. But they can't guide them to be a good slave Allah. Why? Because they are not brought up to educate but just to teach.

The time has come to change educational system. We have to produce teacher who can teach and guide their students to be a good slave of Allah as well.

Tuesday 7 April 2009


We live in Information Communication Tecnology period in decades. We can get information quickly. All information are onto our fingers. The famous ICT in our time now is internet. People really make full use of it like websites, blogs, emails.

Members of Tasawuf think that ICT is a space to share knowlege. They say that we don't reject Science and Tecnology, because it is Mercy from Allah Azzawajalla but we reject polytheism (syirk) and infidel (kufr).

There have been people use internet to fulfill their nafs. They follow their Ammarah. They have been cheated by the Devil and Satan. It sends messagge that they havent got strong belief (iman) in their heart.

We must remember Allah a lot while we decide to use internet. We have to recite selawat for Rasulullah s.a.w. If we have already been influenced by disobedience, and we can't to leave it, we should in search of murabbi to help and guide to leave it.

Monday 6 April 2009

How To Vacate Heart

The begining of achieve closeness to Allah is through emptying our heard. It means that our heart should be free from dreams, worldly ambition, love of the world, bad expectation, envious, assumptions and other heard sickness. All these will screen us from knowing strength and Allah's wishes.

Emptying heart signifies we clean up heart from nafs ammarah. Because nafs ammarah cause us not to empty our heard. Nafs Ammarah always encourage its owner to badness. There is no goodness in nafs ammarah.

May we wonder how we empty our heart. I think we can't do something without teacher or master. In Tasawuf, teacher is called by mursyid or murabbi. To answer this question, we will talk about it next session. I will start how to empty our heard and then what differences between mursyid and murabbi. Some members of Tasawuf dont notice differences between both of mursyid and murabbi.